ProgramProgram at a glance: here Abstract booklet: here
Monday, Nov. 16th8:55-9:00 opening remarks Rydberg atoms 9:00-9:30 S. Whitlock, Exploring complex systems dynamics with Rydberg atoms 9:30-10:00 D. Barredo, Quantum simulation of the transverse field Ising model with arrays of Rydberg atoms 10:00-10:30 Discussion room (with the two speakers) 10:30-11:00 Coffee break Magnetic atoms 11:00-11:30 L. Chomaz, Rotons and Supersolids in ultracold quantum gases of highly magnetic atoms 11:30-12:00 J. Schachenmayer, Entanglement dynamics and quantum thermalization with ultracold chromium atoms 12:00-12:30 Discussion room (with the two speakers) 12:30-14:00 Lunch break 14:00-15:30 Poster session 1 15:30-16:00 Coffee break Cold molecules 16:00-16:30 K.-K. Ni, Probing and controlling chemical reactions below 1 micro-Kelvin 16:30-17:00 M. Lepers, Optical shielding of destructive chemical reactions between ultracold ground-state NaRb molecules 17:00-17:30 Discussion room (with the two speakers)
Tuesday, Nov. 17thMetrology 9:00-9:30 T. Mehlstaübler, Multi-ion optical clocks 9:30-10:00 R. Geiger, Precision Inertial Measurements with Cold-Atom Interferometers 10:00-10:30 Discussion room (with the two speakers) 10:30-11:00 Coffee break Entanglement & correlations 11:00-11:30 B. Vermersch, Probing mixed-state entanglement with randomized measurements 11:30-12:00 J. Dubail, Generalized Hydrodynamics in the one-dimensional Bose gas 12:00-12:30 Discussion room (with the two speakers) 12:30-14:00 Lunch break Chaos & integrability 14:00-14:30 J. Billy, Chaos-assisted tunneling resonances in a synthetic Floquet superlattice 14:30-15:00 P. Preiss, Zooming in on Ultracold Few-Fermion Systems 15:00-15:30 Discussion room (with the two speakers) 15:30-16:00 Coffee break Quantum-tech industry session 16:00-16:15 P. Bouyer (Muquans) 16:15-16:30 J. Ulmanis (Alpine Quantum Technologies) 16:30-16:45 M. Saffman (ColdQuanta) 16:45-17:00 A. Signoles (Pasqal) 17:00-17:30 Discussion room (with the four speakers)
Wednesday, Nov. 18thAtom-light interactions 9:00-9:30 J. Simonet, Ultrafast electron cooling in an expanding ultracold plasma 9:30-10:00 W. Guérin, Super- and subradiance in dilute atomic samples 10:00-10:30 Discussion room (with the two speakers) 10:30-11:00 Coffee break Cold atoms in cavities 11:00-11:30 J. P. Brantut, Universal pair-polaritons in a strongly interacting Fermi gas 11:30-12:00 M. Z. Huang, Long-lived spin-squeezed states under spin dynamics 12:00-12:30 Discussion room (with the two speakers) 12:30-14:00 Lunch break 14:00-15:30 Poster session 2 15:30-16:00 Coffee break Topological phases 16:00-16:30 M. Aidelsburger, Floquet topological phases with ultracold atoms in periodically-driven lattices 16:30-17:00 S. Nascimbène, Synthetic quantum Hall system with ultracold Dysprosium atoms 17:00-17:30 Discussion room (with the two speakers) 17:30-17:45 Closing remarks
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