Poster Session 1 (Mon, Nov. 16th)

The poster session will take place on the platform BigBlueButton - BBB (on the server of the Ecole Normale Supérieure of Lyon).  Please USE CHROME or FIREFOX AS WEB BROWSER (Safari or Explorer are not recommended for BBB)

As a poster presenter, you are invited to

1) prepare a traditional A0 poster or 3-4 slides of presentation in A4 format as a .pdf file, and send them to us via e-mail ( by Saturday, Nov. 14th;

2) connect to your assigned BBB room on the day of the poster presentation (see link below);

3) upload your .pdf file;

4) and then await for your guests to come visit your poster ;-) 

Here you can find a mini-tutorial on how to use BBB (it's very intuitive anyway).

As a poster visitor, you can preview the poster pdfs using the links below, and go visit the poster in the BBB room using the other link. You will be asked for "Votre nom d'utilisat.eur.rice": it's just the name under which you will appear in the room -- then click on "Rejoindre le meeting" = "Join the meeting".


FIRST POSTER SESSION - Monday, Nov. 16th, 14h00-15h30


Quantum simulation 

P01 - R. Alhyder, Impurity immersed in a double Fermi sea --  presentation room

P02 - P. Bataille, Adiabatic spin-dependent momentum transfer in an SU(N) degenerate Fermi gas -- presentation room

P03 - R. Chicireanu, Dynamics of strong and weak localizations in disordered quantum systems --  presentation room

P04 - X. Turkeshi,  Measurement-induced criticality in (2+1)-dimensional hybrid quantum circuits -- presentation room

P05 - N. Euler, Certification of high-dimensional entanglement in ultracold atom systems -- presentation room

P06 - A. Fedorov, Quantum computing with qudits on a graph -- presentation room

P07 - J.-B. Gerent, Transport and coupling of a ultra-cold atomic gas with a nano-structured surface -- presentation room

P08 - Y. Guo, Ultracold atoms in strong disorder: towards the Anderson transition -- presentation room

P09 - A. Hegde, Quantum simulation of dynamical gauge fields using ultracold atomic mixtures -- presentation room

P10 - V. Kasper, Universal quantum computation and quantum error correction with ultracold atomic mixtures-- presentation room

P11 - E. Orignac, Lieb-Liniger variational ansatz and one-dimensional dipolar gases -- presentation room

P12 - G. Pecci, Probing the BCS-BEC crossover with persistent currents -- presentation room

P12bis - Z. Ristivojevic, Exact Results for the Boundary Energy of One-Dimensional Bosons -- presentation room

P13 - R. Veyron, Characterization of a quantum gas microscope with a sub-wavelength resolution based on AC Stark shifts -- presentation room


Non-equilibrium dynamics  

P14 - G. Baio, Stability of optomechanical self-structured phases and dissipative solitons of cold atoms with optical feedback -- presentation room

P15 - T. Comparin, Quench Spectroscopy: Low-energy excitations from real-time dynamics -- presentation room

P16 - Y. Guo, Supersonic rotation of a superfluid: a long-lived dynamical ring -- presentation room

P17 - K. Jachymski, Inelastic collision dynamics of a single cold ion immersed in a Bose-Einstein condensate -- presentation room

P18 - H. Kurkjian, Elementary excitations in superfluid Fermi gases -- presentation room


Ultracold Molecules

P19 - A. Pandey, Interaction potentials and ultracold scattering cross sections for the 7Li+-7Li ion-atom system --presentation room

P20 - G. Quéméner, Controlling 3-body collisions of ultracold dipolar molecules using an electric field -- presentation room


 Quantum metrology

P21 - M. Andia, Mercury optical lattice clock with a 2D magneto-optical trap -- presentation room

P22 - G. Baclet, Molecular gas spectroscopy in hollow core fibers for atomic cooling using Telecom laser systems -- presentation room

P23 - J. Bernard, Progress towards the development of a cold-atom inertial measurement unit for onboard applications -- presentation room

P24 - F. L. Constantin, THz-wave Electrometry Based on Lightshift Measurements with Cold Trapped HD+ Ions -- presentation room

P25 - O. Rousselle, Simulation of the GBAR experiment (Gravitational Behaviour of Antihydrogen at Rest) -- presentation room


Light-matter interaction, quantum optics

P26 - P. Azam, Fluids of light in atomic vapor -- presentation room

P27 - S. Garcia, Nonlinear quantum optics with Rydberg atoms in an optical cavity -- presentation room

P28 - C. GarcionAccurate measurement of the Casimir-Polder interactions -- presentation room

P29 - H. Eneriz, Cavity QED with Bose-Einstein Condensates in a running wave resonator -- presentation room

P30 - R. Kaiser, Ground-state coherence vs orientation: competing mechanisms for light-induced magnetic self-organization in cold atoms -- presentation room

P31 - M. SchemmerUnraveling two-photon entanglement via the squeezing spectrum of light traveling through nanofiber-coupled atoms -- presentation room

P32 - D. Wellnitz, Collective Dissipative Molecule Formation in a Cavity -- presentation room






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